The pandemic affected everyone in some way or another but an industry that was severely hit was the arts and entertainments sector. With people coming together and playing instruments from their windows, balconies and even on zoom, nothing really came close to the thrill of playing in front of a live audience.
This issue was addressed when The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra and our team came together to work on a Christmas advert – ‘When The Arts Came to Town’. Our aim objective was to remind the public how important the arts are.

The concept we came up with revolved around Santa Clause trapped in quarantine, and a family of talented individuals who delivered all the presents on his behalf! Highlighting the importance of different talents and the need for these talents within our society.
From talent scouting to auditions, dressing up, props and a search for a dog that barks on command – our team and a number of collaborators brought this beautiful Christmas story to life!
This Christmas, this New Year – the Arts will be there!